Acrosstic Poem

Today we did an acrosstic poem about ourself I really enjoyed making this. I enjoyed descirbing myself. I also found it hard to find word to describe myself It also took me a while to figure out how to remove the background have you ever done a acrosstic poem before.

Real or fake

Real or Fake Today me and my friend created a real or fake image using Canva of her dunking me in to the basket ball hope We took all the photos are self adding shadows.It was  a bit bright because of the sun but we tried to get good photo but this is what it […]

Amahni creative avatar

Today we where making a polyline of your own creative animal. It had to be a animal,element,superpower/superpowers and its own habitat. My superpower was speed my element was fire its habitat was up in the mountains up far away. I found it hard to polyline it.Next time I will make more details